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Industrial Electricity Maintenance Service in Cernay

Since 1999, S.I.M.E. 68 has been offering its expertise in electricity to industrial clients in Cernay and throughout Alsace. Our team provides the most suitable maintenance solutions for your installations.

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Your Trusted Partner for Industrial Electrical Maintenance in Cernay

The proper functioning of an electrical installation is a determining factor in the smooth running of an industrial company. It affects the production process, energy performance and the optimisation of machines and other electrical equipment. 

The implementation of a maintenance programme is therefore essential. S.I.M.E. 68 will assist you with all your work. We will carry out both preventive and corrective maintenance on your electrical equipment and installations.

Our team will carry out a thorough diagnosis of your electrical circuits and devices. You can also benefit from the quality of our services in the event of a breakdown or repair of your equipment.

We guarantee the quality of our industrial electrical system maintenance interventions.

Industrial electrical maintenance Cernay
Our Services
  • Industrial electricity (installation, maintenance, repair)
  • Wiring of electrical cabinets
  • Electrical system upgrades and renovations
  • Installation of charging stations
Our Advantages
  • Experience
  • Responsiveness
  • Availability
  • 24/7 emergency service
Service Area
  • Cernay
  • Alsace
  • Grand Est

Experienced Technicians to Inspect Your Electrical Installations

Committed to customer satisfaction, S.I.M.E. 68 tailors its services and offerings to meet their needs. We will draw up a personalised maintenance schedule, whatever your company's activity.

Our qualified industrial electricians will determine the necessary steps based on your electrical installation. You will benefit from fast and meticulous work, whether it's for wiring, compliance upgrades, or scheduled maintenance of your electrical machines.

We will find the right performance and safety solutions to make your production network better and more reliable.

Our electrical company offers tailored services for the maintenance of industrial machines.

Industrial electrical system maintenance Cernay